How long does it take to rehab a elbow flexor – Philip Humber

Phillip Humber pitched a perfect game earlier year, but now he finds himself on the disabled list with an elbow issue. The exact issue is an elbow flexor strain, which is a common injury for pitchers.

As he said of the elbow issue:

It’s hard to say when it happened because I have a high pain tolerance. It’s something that’s gotten gradually worse. I felt I had to say something. It’s not what you want, but our training staff is good, and we’ll work and get back as quick as I can. The good news is I can play catch. Based on how I feel and how it goes, I’ll get back on the mound, throw some side sessions, maybe a rehab assignment. I don’t know when, but hopefully soon.

How do you use your groin in basketball – Kendrick Perkins

Kendrick Perkins is one tough dude. His career has spanned three teams, but he has very rarely missed significant time due to injury. He is a calming influence on the Oklahoma City Thunder bench and provides leadership the younger team needs.

News reports came out after the 2012 NBA Championship that he had played with a torn groin during the finals. Ouch.

How do you use your groin in basketball - Kendrick Perkins Photo

We’ve covered how to treat a pulled groin and the facts remain the same. The groin is where your torso meets your legs and serves a very important purpose for mobility and activity.

In basketball, the groin is relied on for:

  • Jumping
  • Running
  • Stopping
  • Cutting
  • Lateral movement
  • Shooting

Pretty much everything.

How to treat heel pain with surgery

Heel pain, ugh.

I have suffered from this twice in two years while playing tennis and it isn’t fun. Well, any injury isn’t fun, but the problem with heel pain is that it affects almost everything you do.

There are four top reasons for heel pain:

  1. Heel bruise – Any tendon, ligament or muscle damage in the heel area.
  2. Plantar fasciitis – Overuse injury with chronic inflammation.
  3. Achilles tendon tear – Tendon torn and needs to be fixed.
  4. Heel spur – Calcification of the bony part of the foot.

My injuries have been a heel bruise and plantar fasciitis and recovery was slow, but manageable through rest, massage and stretching. Some people aren’t that lucky, though.

What is back stabilization surgery and rehab Johnny Knox

Johnny Knox is a wide receiver for the Chicago Bears. His career is off to a good start, but he suffered a horrific injury last year. Playing against the Seattle Seahawks he was bent backwards.


It is amazing he’s still alive and can walk. Word comes that he will play in the 2012 season after vertebrae stabilization surgery. For reference, here is the video of his injury:

The news report quotes him as saying:

No, for me I’m just taking it day by day. No rush. Like I’ve said, rehab is going well. I’m not trying to rush things and mess things up any worse, so I’m just taking it day by day.

How long to heal a scratched retina – Tony Parker

I’ll never understand professional athletes. Tony Parker plays basketball for the NBA’s San Antonio Spurs. He was involved in a nightclub altercation, which looked more like a fight on an epic scale. No one knows what happened, nor does it seem anyone really cares.

The problem, now? Tony Parker is hurt, supposedly. He’s filed suit against the nightclub alleging he suffered a scratched retina.

What is a scracthed retina

Yeah, I don’t know, either. I know a retina is like a screen that your eye projects images onto. The retina then fires off chemicals to create the images your mind sees. Pretty cool. The problem is that it really doesn’t get scratched. Look at the bad boy:

How long to heal a scratched retina - Tony Parker Photo