Grady Sizemore is a baseball player I like. He’s hard nosed, blue collar ethic and a great teammate. He is perpetually hurt, though. This time it is a lingering knee issue that had tossed him onto the disabled list before.
Head trainer Lonnie Soloff says:
Grady has progressed the last five days, but not enough for us or for him to feel comfortable about his ability to play the outfield. ‘We feel the most prudent course of action at this point is to place him on the 15-day DL to give him the time he needs to heal. As of yesterday, he was hitting without symptoms, and he was running at about 75-80 percent with only mild symptoms.
Professionals always try to play through the pain. Our society tells us you have to man up and no pain no gain. Bull puckey.
You can beat hurt too many times, but finding when that occurs is troublesome.
Here is a guide to determining when you’ve had too many injuries:
What does your doctor say? Seriously, don’t rely on the internet for this. Chat with your doctor and get her feedback.
How much time do you spend in treatment? Soaking for longer than your game? Icing longer that your match? If you are even close to that then you might have an issue.
Do you have multiple injuries at one time? It might a simple thing to have a bruise and a sprain, but if you haven’t let the four previous injuries heal when you get a new one, you’re asking for trouble. Your body has to have a chance to bounce back.
How many pain relievers are you taking? This is where it gets pretty serious. I’m not talking anti-inflammatory medication like acetaminophen or ibuprofen, but stronger pain medication.
You are not in the final game of the world series, the last play of the super bowl or in a sudden death playoff in the masters. Take care of yourself.