Tyler Hansbrough is arguably the number one college basketball player in the world. He plays for the University of North Carolina, which is ranked number one in the nation. Tyler is experiencing a “shin stress reaction”. I use the magic air quotes due to the fact shin stress reaction is a new term to me.
It shouldn’t be, though, it’s the pretty much the same as shin splints.
A shin is actually your tibia bone. When you injure this area of your body it’s referred to as a medial tibial stress syndrome. Medial means middle.
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What is a shin stress reaction? A shin stress reaction happens by either overusing the muscles in your lower leg or an actual fracture of the tibia itself. In Tyler’s case it’s probably overuse, since they didn’t specify a fracture of any sort. There is also a rare condition called chronic compartment syndrome that causes an issue. A doctor can eliminate any serious issues for you.
What are the symptoms of a shin stress reaction? Pain in the lower leg when walking, running or especially, jumping. You’re going to be sore and the pain will feel dull.
How do you treat a shin stress reaction? Icing your shins help, but it’s really rest that is the best treatment. Since this is primarily an over use issue, you need to ensure that you back off your normal work routine.
How long does it take to recover from a shin stress reaction? It depends. If you take the appropiate amount of time and allow the injury to heal, it might be a week. Most people, though, rush back into their activity and start a vicious cycle of reinjury.