How to treat an eye bruise – Akinori Iwamura

Akinori IwamuraAkinori Iwamura is probably the best Japanese third baseman you’ve never heard of. Nope, it’s not because he plays in Japan, it’s because he plays for the Tampa Bay Devil Rays. Akinori Iwamura goes balls out each and every game, and he pays the price in injuries.

Akinori Iwamura is injured again due to chasing a foul ball into the bullpen. He was checked out after the incident, but decided to keep playing. The pain got worse, so he’s out four to five days now with what has been termed an eye bruise. At least he won’t be out for a couple of weeks.

What is an eye bruise? Most of us know an eye bruise by it’s common name, a black eye. A shiner. It’s a haematoma that occurs around the socket of the eye. Haematomas is internal bleeding, and in this case it was caused by blunt trauma of the ball hitting Akinori’s face.

What are the symptoms of an eye bruise? There will be signficant pain when the eye bruise occurs. The pain will feel like you’ve been punched, which is usually what happens. Your vision may be blurred, and within 5 minutes you will experience swelling in the area of the trauma.

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What is the treatment for an eye bruise? Typically, you want to stop what caused the eye bruise. Duck when punched, or in Akinori’s case, get his glove up. After that you can administer ice for the swelling and a mild pain reliever. In severe cases a prescription anti-inflammatory might be necessary. You should also have your vision checked to ensure no damage has been sustained structurally to the socket or the eye itself.

How long does it take an eye bruise to heal? In less than a week the eye bruise will disappear. You should use the ice treatment on and off for two days to ensure swelling doesn’t cause further damage.

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