Torn Bicep Muscle

Hi there….

I certainly hope I am doing this correctly…..

I have been looking to get some advice on an injury that happened about a year ago…. I am 45 years old… Living in SD.  I’m originally from Canada.  I have been a cyclist most of my adult life, mainly mountain biking and a little road biking.  I am a certified spining Instructor and have taught for over 10 years…   Last year, during a weekend move, I went to lift a box out of my car and I felt a sharp pain in my arm.. Needless to say the box fell… and my arm was in so much pain… Unfortunately, I have never had an injury before and felt that I can deal with this myself.. I didn’t know how badly I pulled or even tore my bicep muscle.  The muscle did curl up towords my shoulder from the elbow.  I was always able to move my arm so I didn’t think the injury was serious.   My arm swelled and bruised and I iced it for serveral days and even several weeks..  I  have also been weight training for years……. but, last year was not consistant in my training…. After several weeks the bruising went away and I slowly started lifting small weights during my workouts… but not heavy at all… Last year was a very difficult year.. I moved several times, from LA to SD and had a company go banckrupt on me and affected my financial situation drastically, got depressed and gained a little weight.   I could not afford to see a doctor and my arm just healed from bruising and I left it that way.. Recently, I’m back at work, teaching spinning classes again.  Cycling almost daily and weight training again and changed my diet to help drop the 25 pounds that I gained.  Now that I am weight training again, my injured left arm muscle is starting to give me alot of pain…. I am training very slowly and carefully not to stress it too much…
At this point, I am asking for some advice as I am wanting to get back in shape and train at the level i had over a year ago…  Do I still need surgery,, is it still possible at this point… I am just about to get health insurance or I may even go back to Toronto, Canada and have it looked at there in July…..  I would appreciate some advice on this.. Thank you so much…..


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